今、私は「メモリーキーパーの娘] をよんでいます。
I am currently reading a book titled ' The Memory Keeper's Daughter'.
Haven't finished reading it yet but i think the book is interesting.
I am currently reading a book titled ' The Memory Keeper's Daughter'.
Haven't finished reading it yet but i think the book is interesting.
This book is a tragic story about regrets.
David was a doctor. He delivered twins for his own wife, Norah.
1おとこのこと1女児がいました。男の子はげんきなあかちゃんでも女児はダウン症 がありました。
There were a baby boy and a baby girl. The baby boy was a healthy baby but the girl was born with Down Syndrome.
デイビット はノーラ をとても愛していますから、うそをつきました。
Because David loved Norah too much, he told her a lie.
"Our baby girl died," he said.
実は「女児をHome for feebleminded におくってください!」とデイビットは看護婦、キャロラインに言った。
The truth is, "Please send the baby girl to the Home for feebleminded!" said David to the nurse, Caroline.
でもキャロライン はほかのまちで自分であの女児の面倒をみました。あとで本のすべての登場人物の生活はことなりました。。。
However, Caroline herself took care of the baby girl in another town. After that, every character's life in the novel became different...
Kim Edwards is a good author. Every character in this novel is written in great details.
For example, the characters' histories and feelings. That's why this book is interesting.
There's a movie too but i haven't watched it.