*This picture stolen from the cafe's official website. しゃしんをとりませんでしたから。didnt really bother to take pic of them as there were only two maids available on that day but i can assure you that they're pretty much the same standard as the girls in the pic above XD i am so mean! とてもわるいひとですね!
三人はていしょくを四つたべました。=D でも、Honestly あのたべものはおいしくないと思います。たかいでもやすいでもありません。
たべたのあと。Me with messy hair and a damn ROUND face. HAHAHHA
ハーゲンダッツ のアイスクリームよ!
Retarded face but the consolation is.. i got boobs there! =D ok.. still mosquito bites =(
私 MAID CAFE を いきたい!
このMAID CAFE,どちらですか?
Maid CafeはNew World Park のFoodcourt のうしろです。the name of the restaurant is Kiss A Koyotei with an orange signboard. if you're looking for good food, dont go there. but if you're just looking for experience, then u might want to give it a try. honestly, see me better than see those maids WTF HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
あなたのBoobsはAlmost Boobsです。:P
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