BB cream
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Real Tint (頬紅)
Besides, I once read about panties fetishism where highschool girls sell off their worn and unwashed panties to a store (burusera) that sell the panties to those men who have panties fetish. There were even vending machines which sell those panties but I think this thing has been banned and the girls replaced by new method. ( click the link on panties fetishism to learn more). This sounds a bit ridiculous to me but who knows, it might happen here too just that we're not doing it publicly while the Japanese are more open about it. This is the difference between developing and developed country. Culture shock i may get, but anyway, i am from a conservative country so, it's not surprising if i am a little freaked out. Actually, although this whole thing might sounds perverted, there is actually a good side of it. Dont you think that Japanese are innovative and creative?
just like what they do with their fashion.
Harajuku style, ganguro, yamanba, and so on never fail to amuse me. I mean, look at them, u have to give them credit for the effort and their bravery. honestly, i secretly adore the hime (princess) style. Not forgetting, the para-para or some sort of dance they did in groups in public? There are one question though, are they accepted among the society? Well, as i know, western people kind of look upon this fashion and style. Remember Gwen Stefani with her song Harajuku Girls? and i remember seeing a lot of videos online on western people dancing and making up like the girls.
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